Weston给外交部的J.D.I. Boyd写信解释原因,要点包括:
1. 原来向代办处提供中国各省报纸的波兰记者Moskiewicz在9月9日离开中国前往朝鲜进行报道,所以只能等到下周他回到中国后,英国代办处才能重新获得省级报纸。
2.在中国国庆即将到来时,北京街头张贴的大字报和出售的红卫兵小报数量大减。以至于向英国人提供北京小道消息的苏联外交官也拿不出新的东西来与英方交换美国驻香港领馆编辑的中国大陆媒体摘要内容(即Survey of China Mainland Press,简称SCMP)。中共官方报纸连篇累牍的报道教育改革和工宣队的消息。
3. 北京街头也很少看到“革命行为”,感觉很放松。电影院在放映毛泽东的彩色纪录片,但观众不多且反映不热烈。法新社记者在前往上海时也注意到了类似的放松情
23 September, 1968.
My Dear
You may have been puzzled by the reduction in our
output on internal Chinese affairs over the past week or so, and perhaps I owe
you a word of explanation.
2. The first point
is that our source of Chinese provincial newspapers, the Polish correspondent
Moskiewicz, is away from Peking, He went to North Korea to cover their National
Day on 9 September, stayed on for the Pueblo news conference a few days later and
has not so far returned to Peking, although I am told he will probably do so
during the coming week. It should then he possible to resume our arrangement with
him in the normal way.
3. Incidentally, the
market for Chinese provincial newspapers here is getting rather tight. The
Soviet Embassy have not "been receiving Chinese provincial newspapers
since February this year, and a Soviet colleague told me recently that their
request to the Chinese to resume supply has been formally refused. The North
Koreans are also denied a regular supply of these newspapers. We must hope that
the new Chinese invective against the other Warsaw Pact countries will not he
accompanied by measures such as cutting off the supply of provincial newspapers
to their embassies as well.
4. Secondly, there
seems to be a natural lull in the tempo of events just now, as we approach the
National Day celebrations on 1 October. As always at this time, the walls of
the city are scraped clean of old posters, but this year there have been fewer
to scrape off than before, and it seems most unlikely that wall-poster activity
will resume when the holiday period is over to any significant degree. It is
also rare to see red guard newspapers on sale in the town; this scarcity is
reflected in the fact that our Soviet contact had absolutely nothing to offer
me in exchange for U.S. Consulate SCMP material when I met him this week. Thus
our traditional sources of "street informations" have almost complete
dried up. The official press seems to be free-wheeling at the
moment with an endless succession of follow-up articles about educational
reform and worker propaganda teams; we must wait until 1 October to see what new
impetus, if any will be given to the movement.
5, There are few
outward signs of "revolutionary activity" in the city. Marches,
demonstrations and the like seem to be confined to rehearsals for the October
celebrations, and the larger scale exercises for this purpose are carried out late
at night when traffic conditions are easier. In general, the atmosphere in the
streets is rather relaxed: street corner loudspeakers are not being used very
much and you would be lucky to see a single wall poster if you walked the
length of Wang Fu Ching. Cinemas are showing colour newsreel sequences of Mao's
appearances ever the past year, but the audiences are thin and display no
excitement whatever. The AFP correspondent, who has recently visited Shanghai,
tells me that there is a similar air of relaxation there.
6. A few days ago in
a commission shop I saw a number of excellent second hand Spalding golf-clubs
being sold piecemeal to young Chinese at 1/6d. per club. When I asked one Chinese
why he had bought a club he replied "Just to play around with". Today
one could believe him; whereas two months ago it would probably have been used
for beating heads in at Peking University!
7. I am copying this
letter to McLaren, Hong Kong, Ashworth, Hong Kong Spendlove, Washington,
Brewer, IRD, Miss Drayeott, IRD, Hibbert, Singapore, McKearney, PUSD, Pierce
DIS, Hewitt. Canberra and Chancery, Tokyo.
From: P.J, Weston
To: J.D.I. Boyd,
Far Eastern Dept.,