据英国外交部档案,1969年1月24日早上4:30中国驻荷兰临时代办廖和叔(46岁)在荷兰海牙叛逃,他是用他的晚礼服编成的带子从代办处的窗口爬下来,然后跑到一个警察局里签下庇护申请书,荷兰政府当天就批准了庇护。他声称刚刚收到中共要求他回国的指示,还说他最终想去美国(按:2月7日荷兰驻北约代表称廖当时是被带到海牙的警察总部,荷兰没有批准廖的庇护,而是准许他在去美国前暂时停留在荷兰。荷兰认为廖仍受维也纳外交条约保护,就没有审讯廖以获得情报。见CHICOM Ex-Charge Lio Ho-Shu: CI01907 of DNSA)。荷兰方面担心中方会对荷兰驻华外交官实施报复(比如限制通讯、离境等),就向英国寻求对处理此事的帮助。1月24日下午荷兰司法部发表声明“中国代办通知警方他不再履行代办责任,并要求暂时待在荷兰。荷兰已批准他的要求,他现在已离开海牙”。
参见:沈韦良《一九六六年,荷兰驱赶我代办事件真相》;骆亦粟 《中美关系解冻的开端》。
Office of the British
Charge d'Affaires,
March 11,1969
Defection of Chinese Charge d’Affaires
in the Netherlands
Dear John,
view of China's use of the Liao affair as a reason to call off the Sino-U.S.
talks in Warsaw, you may be interested in an indication that they are playing down the importance of the man, if not the
incident, in private. A Rumanian colleague was recently
assured by a Chinese Foreign Ministry official that Liao's
defection "did not amount to much' (mei you shemma liao pu ch'i) and was
"not of much importance” (mei tuo ta yi sze). This line is
evidently intended to suggest that the man himself was
of little consequence, and is of course a perfectly natural reaction. To
some extent it conflicts with the public line that the whole business was an
"anti-Chinese plot". But it also supports the view that what really nettled the Chinese was Liao's much-heralded
flit to the United States. This impression has again been confirmed by
the Dutch here.
2. The Dutch Office in Peking appears
to have escaped quite lightly. The Charge has told John Denson that the exchanges with the Chinese (T’ang of the West European
Department) were conducted quietly and with complete diplomatic decorum.
It is now improbable that the Chinese will take any serious action against the
Dutch at this late stage. Last week an attache from their mission left China on
time after obtaining an exit visa in the normal way. However, Chinese malice
has been expressed in one or two familiar pinpricks. Their notes from the
Chinese Foreign Ministry no longer bear the usual courtesies. (Even we now
merit a brief expression of respect at the end, if not the beginning, of
Chinese communications.) On an even more petty level, a Dutch First Secretary
complained to me recently that he had been snubbed by a Chinese protocol
official at a cocktail party. The latter had spurned the Dutchman's proferred
hand! No doubt the Dutch will have the customary
difficulties with travel in China, visits to communes, and bailing out detained subjects. But, all in all, the Chinese have shown remarkable restraint.
3. I am copying this letter to Ashworth
and McLaren in Hong Kong, to Washington and The Hague.
(G. G. H. Walden)
(to:) J. D. I. Boyd, Esq.,
出处:英国外交部档案FCO 21-515
附:China tantrums and tactics