

19672月法国驻华商务参赞Richard及夫人乘车受到红卫兵围堵,中方反而指责参赞挑起事端致使多人受伤并要求道歉,法方拒绝道歉,中方却发给参赞离境签证放其全家迅速离开中国。一年之后的19682月,法国派出新的驻华商务参赞到任,法国大使吕西安·贝耶(Lucien Paye)亲自带着他/她拜会对外贸易部和中国国际贸易促进委员会。

法方在外贸部受到了副部长卢绪章的接待,谈话还是愉快的。但在贸促会的情况则大不相同,首先是贸促会所在大楼看起来很脏,似乎没有打扫之前红卫兵占据时留下的烂摊子;其次中方接待人员职务不明,以往贸促会都是派副主席侯桐出面接待,但这次出面的人叫Wang Mao-shan,法方对其一无所知,他也拒绝告知自己的职务,并拒绝回答关于是否担任贸促会副主任的问题,只声称自己是“贸促会有关负责人”,会谈还暴露出他对法国和贸易都一无所知,这让法国大使很生气,就屡屡称他“有关负责人先生”,而不是称“王先生”;原应在1968年举办的法国展览会也被推迟到下一年(按:1969.5.23法国机床及公共工程器械展览会在北京开幕)。


                               Office of the British Charge

27 February, 1968

Dear Sharland,

A new French Commercial Counsellor arrived here two weeks ago to replace the one who left China after an incident during the anti-French demonstrations at this time last year. The French Ambassador decided to introduce him himself at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, since he considered it a useful opportunity to have a high level discussion in each organisation.

2. The French told us that the Ambassador was received at the Ministry by Vice-Minister Lu Hsu-chang, who has been performing most of the public trade ministerial functions recently. The interview was pleasant and worth while though nothing very striking emerged from it.

3. At the C.C.P.I.T., however, things were very different. No obvious attempt had been made to clean up the building since its occupation by Red Guards last year and it smelt and looked as filthy as it has done for many months. The Ambassador would normally have expected to have been received by a Vice Chairman (in the old days it was nearly always Ho Tung): but on this occasion he was confronted with a man introduced as Wang Mao-shan, whom none of the French present had ever seen before and who knew nothing about France, trade or any subject appropriate to the occasion. M. Paye kept asking whether Mr. Wang was a Vice­Chairman, or what his position was, but received no more helpful answer than that he was a responsible person of the Council. Being somewhat piqued M. Paye insisted on referring to Wang sentence by sentence in the interview as Monsieur le responsible to the amusement of his escorting staff and the embarrassment of the Chinese interpreter.

4.  The French had asked to have a few words at the interview about the exhibition which they are planning for Peking (now postponed until early next year) and there was in fact a specialist on this subject present - the only Chinese out of whom they could get any sense. He was introduced as Mr. Wei, the "Director of Exhibitions Department". One of the French present recognised him as having been involved in the French exhibition of 1965, at which time he was no higher than sixth or seventh in the Department.

5. All in all it looks as if there has been a pretty good clear-out of staff in C.C.P.I.T.

I am copying this letter to Rogora in the Board of Trade, Miss Drayeott in I.R.D., and Brewer in J.R.D.


E. J. Sharland, Esq.,
Far Eastern Department,
Foreign Office,
London S.W.l.


