



英国人对中央文革小组中最年轻的成员姚文元显然了解甚少。最近从上海返回北京的英国外交官Ken Goodwin在上海时做了些调查,有所谓重大发现:姚文元的年纪可能是三十出头(按:姚1966年时35岁),姚不仅是上海《解放日报》成员,还是《文汇报》高级编辑(按:这是不对的,姚在文汇报没有职务)。


(1012/66)            CONFIDENTIAL              The Office of the British
Chargé d'Affaires,
26 October, 1966.
Dear David,
The Lin Piao cult continues to make steady advances. His National Day speech now appears in a slim volume issued by the People's Publishing House: "Advance on the Great Road of Mao's Thought"; together with the editorial of this title in Red Flag No. 13 and the People's Daily Editorial of 1 October, (reported in People's Daily of 11 October). Quotations from Lin, whether recognisable or directly attributed, appeared (sometimes in a box and sometimes in a banner headline) on the front page of the People's Daily of 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 23 October. We have already reported on the cult of Lin's calligraphy.

2. Lin's health remains a field for endless speculation. His fitness, together with that of Mao, was of course stressed repeatedly in NCNA material at the time of the National Day and also in speeches by Ch'en Yi and others. It was also stressed in a speech delivered to a military audience on 5 October by Yeh Chien-ying and recorded in posters seen in Shanghai. We have mentioned it in our poster collection, but I have since seen the full text. It formed, I believe, the subject of a Tanjug despatch, but in case you have not come across it, the following are its abbreviated contents:
Ch'i Pai-shih was active at an advanced age. So is Mao but much more so. He will live to 100. Having done much for China in the last 30 odd years he will do the same for the world in the next 30.
Mao has been polishing Lin for high office since 1927. Lin is Mao's best disciple, the "youngest, healthiest, most capable and most outstanding".
Lin's health is excellent. Recent medical examinations had revealed "nothing wrong with head or heart". Lin's wounds acquired earlier in his career had healed fully.
The Central Committee's decision to make Lin "Deputy Supreme Commander" was excellent.
This last remark was followed by sustained applause for ten minutes.

It is of great interest that Yeh went to these lengths to stress Lin's health for his restricted audience and that his remarks should then have been leaked through posters. One is reminded somewhat of the Eisenhower era.

3. Leonard Appleyard is reporting separately a new snippet on the health of Mao.

4. I am copying this to Information Research Department, Joint Research Department, and Emrys Davies in Hong Kong.
Yours ever
(J. I. Boyd).
D. C. Wilson, Esq..,
Foreign Office.


(1012/66)            CONFIDENTIAL           
The Office of the British
Chargé d'Affaires,
26 October, 1966.
Dear David,

You will remember the casting of Yao Wen-yuan as a member of the Cultural Revolution Group under the Central Committee (according to the People's Daily) and as Editor of The Liberation Daily in Shanghai (according to the poster reported in my letter 1018/66 of 12 October).

2. Ken Goodwin now reports on his return from Shanghai, where he conducted some research, that Yao is also prominent among the editors of the Wen Hui Pao, whose offices overlook our compound there. This does not seem at all unlikely. Goodwin's research also revealed that Yao is probably in his early 30's. He attended the Central Committee Plenum in August, presumably as one of the Cultural Revolution figures that were reported as present.

3. I am sending copies of this letter to Information Research Department, Joint Research Department and Emrys Davies in Hong Kong.
Yours ever
(J. I. Boyd).
D. C. Wilson, Esq..,
Foreign Office,
London, S.W.I.


