

当时31岁的Chung Shi‐jung医生来自北京市,是中共国派到阿尔及利亚Médéa的医疗队成员。1971年4月28日当他在巴黎Orly机场被十来个中国人强行押到要飞往上海的航班时,法国警察接入将他救下来。但不知什么原因,到5月7日他还是在严密警戒下送上回中国的飞机。国际先驱论坛报说法国政府拒绝了他的庇护申请,法国外交部否认说这是造谣。纽约时报的报道猜测法国情报局与外交部有分歧,前者想把要叛逃的中国人救下,但法国外交部不想得罪中共。


Paris Denies It Refused Asylum to Chinese Aide
New York Times (1923-Current file); May 9, 1971;
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times with Index
pg. 19




April 30, 1971 New York Times

PARIS, April 29 — The Chinese traveler who was seized by Orly Airport policemen yesterday from a group trying to take him aboard a Shanghai bound plane remained under heavy guard today.

Officials said that the man, who was identified as Dr. Chung Shi‐jung, a 31‐year‐old physician from Peking, was still unable to answer questions.

However, it began to appear that he had done considerable talking even yesterday, while he was being pried with difficulty from the hands of 10 pro testing comrades, although he had been described as being apparently in a drugged state.

Sources in Algiers — where the press has not yet mentioned the affair — said that Dr. Chung had been assigned to Chinese medical aid mission of about 30 people at Médéa, about 60 miles south of Algiers.

Plea for Asylum Reported

There were reports that he had appealed for asylum to the French Embassy in Algiers. A spokesman said that the embassy was “not officially aware” of any such appeal and was under strict orders not to get involved in matters of asylum. But the spokesman declined to deny that a man might have come and banged on the gate.

The first story of a chance discovery by customs officers did not stand up. The version offered in semiofficial circles today is that an anonymous telephone caller told an Air France hostess that a Chinese was be ing kidnapped. But other circles add that the call came as no surprise to the French counterintelligence services.

Dr. Chung, bundled in sweaters, was hustled by the police to an office at the airport, accompanied by 10 shoving and shouting companions. Contrary to yesterday's police reports that the man was unconscious or dazed, it is now acknowledged that, at least at times, he talked animatedly with a Chinese Embassy official. At those times, it is reported, he re fused treatment by a French physician.

When he was finally taken away from the others and placed in an ambulance, how ever, he apparently talked animatedly and amicably with Secret Service agent who spoke Chinese.

China Lodges Protest

Chinese diplomats called at the Foreign Ministry this morning and again this afternoon; some were there while Secretary of State William P. Rogers was talking to Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann. Apart from noting that the Chinese had lodged a protest, officials declined to shed any light on the Case.

Speculation arose that the intelligence services had arranged the rescue of Dr. Chung without consulting the Foreign Ministry. The two agencies are not always friendly.

Press comment suggested that relations between France and China might not be gravely damaged by the affair. France Soir, which is progovernment, observed that such incidents “have only the importance that the governments concerned choose to give them.”


出处: ProQuest Historical Newspapers;纽约时报

