
1967.10.13 匈牙利驻华参赞法卡斯博士即将离任

匈牙利驻华参赞法卡斯博士(Dr. Imre Farkas)将于19671014日离任,转赴布加勒斯特任匈牙利驻罗马尼亚参赞。法卡斯此前曾与英国驻华外交官谈过他驻华的感受:

Office of the British
Charge d’ Affaires,
13 October, 1967

Dear Department,

Dr. Imre Farkas, Counsellor at the Hungarian Embassy in Peking, will be leaving Peking on 14 October to take up a post as Counsellor in the Hungarian Embassy at Bucharest. In the course of a recent conversation with a member of this mission he produced the following points which you may be interested to know.

2. Dr. Farkas has been in Peking for only two out of what should have been a four year tour. His transfer has been arranged principally because he has had paratyphoid fever here this summer and his doctors do not want him to stay. Other reasons are that there is no schooling for his daughter, and also because his professional training as an economist is wasted here in present circumstances. Farkas said he was originally sent here to try to produce a study of the Chinese economy, but since he had absolutely no figures to work from he really saw no point in remaining.

3. On embassy life in Peking, he said the Hungarian Embassy were expecting some quite big Chinese counter-event to be staged to coincide with the Soviet celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. He did not think that East European embassies in Peking would all be burnt down (the British Office bonfire on 22 August had marked a halt in this extreme trend for a while), but in his opinion the Chinese might soon take some measures against the Soviet Union and their allies here, for example expel leading diplomats or make use of administrative restrictions. The Hungarians would be ready for anything and were seriously considering reducing the size of their embassy here. (At present they have a diplomatic staff of nine.)

4. On the visit of the North Vietnamese Party and Government delegation which came to attend National Day celebrations, Farkas confirmed that Vice-Premier Le Thanh Nghi has not been very happy here. He personally saw Le refuse to accept a Red Book (which it is now customary to foist upon foreign guests), and says that he wore no Mao badges. Le was observed to be very angry, at the Chinese banquet given for his delegation on 29 September, when Soviet and East European, diplomats were obliged to walk out during Chou En-lai's speech. Le Thanh Nghi is the Vice-Premier in charge of economic aid for North Vietnam from all countries, and Dr. Farkas thinks he will have been especially irritated by Chinese attempts to involve him in their row with the Soviet Union and other East European countries.

5. Dr. Farkas speaks excellent French and Mrs. Farkas has taught German. They are both interested in England and Mrs. Farkas has been taking English lessons. We are copying this letter to the Chancery in Bucharest since Dr. and Mrs. Farkas will almost certainly call on members of the Embassy there on arrival. We are also sending a copy of this letter to the Chancery in Budapest and to the Consul-General, Hanoi.

Yours ever,

Far Eastern Department,
Foreign Office.


