




Italian communists visit China

Date: Tuesday,  Nov. 10, 1970

Publication: The Times (London, England)  

Italian communists visit China Italian communists visit China

Peking, Nov. 9.-For the first time since 1962, two high-ranking members of the Italian Communist Party have arrived in China. Their visit lasting a month and a half may contribute to a change in the cool relations between the parties of the two countries.

Signora Maria Antonietta Macoiocchi, a deputy from Naples, and Signor Alberto Jacoviello, foreign editor of Unita, the party paper, arrived on October 27. They say they are here as "friends of China" and not as official representatives of their party.

But they have not come simply as tourists. The political bureau of the Italian party, they said, had agreed to their request for a visa.

The two visitors intend to publish a series of articles on China when they return to Italy. These articles, they said, will bring new and objective information on Chinese realities to the Italian communist readership. Unita has not had a regular correspondent in Peking for eight years.

Signor Jacoviello and Signora Macciocchi deny they have been given any such mission and say have had no "direct" contacts with the Chinese leadership. However, they emphasize that it is “as comrades” that they have been having talks with the revolutionary committees, militants, workers and peasants during their visits to factories, people's communes and Peking University.

The two visitors are to leave Peking tomorrow for a one-month tour of the Chinese provinces.- Agence France Presse.,










