1971年11月2日人民日报第4版发表署名“张思德生前所在部队八连党支部”的文章《高唱革命战歌 提高路线觉悟》,文章看起来只是一个连队在谈《三大纪律八项注意》歌曲队加强军民团结的意义,但文章结尾却非常高调地说“刘少奇一类政治骗子,玩弄种种花招,妄想把我们无产阶级的军队,变成压迫人民、剥削人民的资产阶级军队,从而达到他们复辟资本主义、篡党篡军的罪恶目的。我们一定要用毛泽东思想武装头脑,彻底戳破刘少奇一类假马克思主义政治骗子的阴谋诡计,肃清他们的流毒,按照毛主席的建军思想办事,把我军建设成一支更加强大的人民军队。”英国驻北京外交官在11月4日向英国外交部发电提请注意该文的重要意义,11月10日外交部在分析中国局势时也认为这篇文章很重要,表明中共在为公开党内权力斗争做思想准备。
1971年11月8日BBC的国际广播摘要(SWB, Summary of World
Mr Davies (FED)
1. Peking Telno 1130 of 4 November drew attention to a People's
Daily article of 2 November which suggested there has been a danger of “political
tricksters" attempting, inter alia, to usurp the Party and the Army, and
which called for the thorough smashing of the "plots and tricks” of false
Marxist-Leninists and the building of "our army into an even stronger
people's army". We agree with Peking that this is a significant article. It
may be one of a series designed to prepare the PLA, the Party and the people
generally for revelations about a current power struggle. On 5 November, Ninghsia regional
service broadcast an article entitled "Strengthen the dictatorship of the
proletariat and prevent the restoration of capitalism - on studying
Lenin's article 'The State and Revolution'" which seems to point even
more clearly to the involvement of the Army and some one very high in the Party
in a serious dispute (SWB FE/3833 of 8 November). It is curious that an article
of this apparent importance should be broadcast by a minor provincial agency. The explanation may be
that it is a repeat of one published centrally, if not in People's Daily then
perhaps in Liberation Army Daily. The pseudonym "Hung Ping" is
commonly used with centrally produced articles.
2. The article is about continuing revolution and guarding
against the undermining of the proletarian dictatorship. Examples are cited of
"sham Marxists" from the history of the Communist movement in Russia and
China. The persons selected as examples are not surprising, but the points made
to underline their falseness suggest, very strongly contemporary relevance.
Bakunin, for example, a "conspirator of the First International"
is said to have written to Marx saying "I am your student, and I am proud
of this” but later to have slandered Marx. Again, Khrushchev is said to have
pretentiously praised Stalin as the "close friend and comrade-in-arms of
the great Lenin, the greatest genius, teacher, and leader of mankind, a
great, invincible supreme commander and his own father when Stalin was alive “.
Although Liu Shao-ch'i is also cited as a usurper who had called himself a
student of Mao, the Chinese people can hardly fail to see some connection between these
references to the "student" and "comrade-in-arms" and the
position of Lin Piao.
3. The reference to the use of the army to usurp power
comes later in the article. First, the reader is reminded that Mao has taught
that the army is the chief component of State power, and that whoever wants to
seize and retain power must have a strong army. The article then points out
"The fact of Khrushchev's restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union
has shown us that in order to change proletarian dictatorship into bourgeois dictatorship, the faction in power within
the Party who takes the capitalist road will not only make use of public
opinion, but will always try to seize power over the army".
From Chinese Party history, Chang Kuo-t'ao is cited as having tried to
split the Red Army and establish "a separate Party Committee". The
article concludes by emphasising the need to strengthen the building of the
army and to put the army "under the absolute leadership of the Party and Chairman
Mao ……”
4. The message in this passage would seem to be that the current false
Marxist (seemingly Lin Piao) with military associates in the Party leadership (in
the Politburo), opposed other colleagues and has attempted to secure ascendancy
over them (forming a "separate Committee").
F Brewer
Far Eastern Section
Research Department
10 November 1971
Copied to:-
PUSD (Mr Duff)
M0D/DI2 (Lt Col Goss)
PUSD for Mr. R. Stimson, Assessments Staff
Cabinet Office.