
1971.11.19 首位向英国提供林彪事件官方说法的逃港者

1971.11.19 港英当局首度从逃港者得知林彪事件的中国官方说法


英国外交部称这是从中国叛逃者中第一次得知官方关于林彪事件的解释(This is first account we have from a defecter from China of the explanations being given about Lin P'iao,见附图1),当然这不代表英国政府此前没有通过别的渠道得知林彪之死,而且美国政府早在几天前也从类似渠道获知了林彪事件 1116日白宫战情室(The White House Situation Room)向基辛格提供的晚间要报(Evening Notes)说情报机构从一位由中国大陆到香港的偷渡者得知:他参加了在广东举行的一个批判林彪的会议,会上宣布林彪、陈伯达被打倒,黄永胜、李作鹏、吴法宪、邱会作四人被解除职务。叶剑英代理国防部长。(见附图2


经查, 19711024日中共中央发出《关于向全国群众传达林彪叛党叛国事件的通知》(中发 197167号)其中所列的,决定“将林彪叛党叛国事件,向全国广大工农兵群众传达”,传达内容为“毛主席最近批示的五个重要文件(中发[197166号文件)和本通知,毛主席的《我的一点意见》”。而中发[197166号文件提到的5个文件为:中发[197157号、61号、62号、64号、65文件。(这5个文件的全文,见本博客《1971.10.17合肥传达林彪事件后的反映》http://communistchinadoc.blogspot.com/2014/10/19711017.html





Overt Intelligence Report (OIR) 0256/71   Date of Report: 19 Nov 71
Distribution Lists:
J.  Defence
X.  Political
Y.  Security
Z.  Personalities


A.     Map KWANGTUNG Series L781 (1:50,000) Sheet 7623 I Ed 4


1.     Latest Date of Information (LDl): NOV 71

2. Contents
a. Background.
b. Denunciation of LIN PIAO.
c. Denunciation of other leaders.
d. New Minister of Defence.

3. Source who was in his early twenties was born and educated to primary six level in CANTON. Having completed his primary education, he was assigned to a rural commune until he left CHINA illegally in Nov 71. He was of average intelligence with a retentive memory and gave harsh living conditions as his reason for leaving the country.

4. Source was assigned to CHINGLIU Production Brigade (PB) of SHIHL0U Commune, PANYU County. The commune was located at ref A.225835N 1132842E. From time to time he returned to CANTO to visit relatives, but spent the majority of the time working in his commune area. He was on quite good terms with some of the local farmers with whom he discussed commonplace affairs and the current rumours. He paid more attention to matters directly affecting his own circumstances rather than items of general interest. There were rumours to the effect that Down-to-the-Courtryside Youths (DCY) were to be re-assigned to the north of KWANGTUNG Province and rumours concerning the proposed visit of President NIXON to CHINA. He had heard nothing, either in CANTON or in the countryside, concerning possible change in the leadership in PEKING until 7 Nov 71.  


5. Special Meeting.  Early on the morning of the 7 Nov 71 source was informed by his production team (PT) leader that he was to attend a special meeting in the PB hall that morning. The meeting started at 0730 and Source attended, staying until the meeting ended later in the day. More than 2,000 people attended the meeting from all the PBs within the commune.

6. Official Representatives. Seated on a dais at one end of the hall were approximately 10 officials, whom as far as Source could recall included the following:
a. A representative from the PANYU County Revolutionary Committee (RC).
b. The following members of the CHINGLIU PB RC.
(1) The Chairman.
(2) The Deputy Chairman.
(3) The Militia Battalion Commander.
(4) The responsible Person for Security.
(5) Members.

7. Banner on Display.  Behind the dais on which the officials sat was a large banner bearing the following inscription:

Discuss the thief LIN’s anti-revolutionary meeting’
(STC: 5116/6062/2651/6329/0646/7245/0730/1129/2585)

8. Introduction of County representative. The chairman of the PB RC then opened the meeting and introduced the county representative KUNG (STC: 1313) who had secret documents from the Central Committee which were to be read out.

9. Documents' Title.  KUNG read out the title of the documents which was ‘CCP Central Committee Secrets Documents - Approved by Chairman MAO Tse-tung'.

10. Contents.

a.      First Document. “In my opinion (Chairman MAO’s) the so-called politician CHEN Po-ta has followed the PENG Te-huai line. I do not know where he was at the first LUSHAN meeting – perhaps the decisions were not to his satisfaction; it was exactly the same at the second meeting”. (The document then went on to criticize CHEN for trying to rally support for LIN Piao in the Central Committee).

b.      Second Document. The second document was described as the 57th Central Committee Secret Document. In this document it was stated that LIN Piao had attempted to assassinate Chairman MAO, set up a new central committee and stage a count revolutionary coup, but had been killed. The details were:

On 13 Sep 71 LIN Piao left LUSHAN at 0700 in a TRIDENT aircraft with his wife YEH Chun, son LIN Li-kuo, the pilot and personal bodyguards. One of the bodyguards attempted to stop LIN Piao but LIN shot and injured the guard. At this stage LIN’s daughter LIN li-heng telephoned CHOU En-lai several times reporting the incident. CHOU En-lai informed Chairman MAO who allegedly stated that pursuit was not necessary as the aircraft did not have much fuel. The airc craft crashed in OUTER MONGOLIA killing all on board. On the same day, 13 Sep, a helicopter with three passengers, two friends of LIN Piao (unnamed) and a pilot took off from PEKING; the helicopter was forced to land by CCAF aircraft. On landing one of LIN Piao’s friends shot the pilot and then committed suicide but the other man was arrested and the helicopter searched. The helicopter was found to contain a large number of secret documents.

c.     Third Document.   The third document was described as the 61st Central Committee Secret Document. In this document it was stated that the son of LIN Piao, LIN Li-kuo had carried out counter-revolutionary activities in CANTON, SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN and other cities. He was engaged in plotting to overthrow MAO with the assistance of the army.
d.     Fourth Document.  The fourth document was described as the 64th Central Committee Secret Document. In this document it was stated that all those who had assisted LIN Piao in his attempt to assassinate Chairman MAO had been arrested and would be investigated by the Central Committee.

11. Reaction of the meeting. At this stage in the proceedings several members of the commune expressed disbelief that LIN Piao could have acted in this way and that he was dead.

12. Confirmation of LIN Piao’s Treachery.  KUNG having listened to the doubts raised as a result of what he had read out, then produced additional information to confirm LIN Piao’s treachery as follows:
a.     Proof of Death.  The Chinese Ambassador to OUTER MONGOLIA had visited the scene of the crash and had seen LIN Piao’s body and it was impossible for him to be mistaken.
b.     Assassination Attempts. Three separate assassination attempts all took place in Sep 71, details as follows:
(1)    First Attempt.    Chairman MAO went to SHANGHAI on a tour of inspection. A plan had been made to detonate a fuel storage tank when MAO arrived at PEKING airport in transit to SHANGHAI, but the plan failed. (No reasons were given for the failure of this plan nor were details revealed of LIN’s involvement.
(2)    Second Attempt.  An attempt was made to use poison gas to assassinate Chairman MAO when he was travelling in a train but this was foiled due to the fact that all windows and doors of that part of train in which MAO travelled, were sealed.
(3)    Third Attempt.   On a visit to SHANGHAI Chairman MAO was due to stay overnight with a military unit but plans were changed and he stayed elsewhere. It was subsequently discovered that a ‘time bomb’ had been planted in the original building in which MAO was intended to remain!

            NOTE:   The contents of seven documents were read out to the meeting but Source could not remember anything concerning the other three.
 出处:英国外交部档案 FCO_21_805




;中发 [197167





